Mow 'em down! Slimy extraterrestrials have run out of popcorn and now they're en route to Earth to fry some more corn! Their target: an unsuspecting redneck family's plentiful maize fields! That doesn't sit well with Redneck Pops, so he dispatches his two deadbeat sons to wage bloody war in the corn fields! Jumponto the family heirloom, a mighty, deadly combine harvester, and save the maize from the wicked blue Martians! Run them over and cut down the angry invaders while your brother takes pot shots at flying saucers with his Winchester gun and other weaponry that you have stashed in the fields! Scorch, plough and shoot through hordes of alien rabble, but watch out for their searing lasers and powerful tractor beams! The world is heading straight for a Popcorn Armageddon – and only you can save the planet! Features: Delightfully sick harvester action with evil aliens and flying saucers, Black humour with over-the-top blood effects + windscreen wiper, Deadly weaponry, including shotgun, rocket launcher and laser rifles, 12 really crazy levels, Hip hillbilly tunes, Features may vary depending on device
Filetype: Farm_Invasion_USA_2.zip
Platform: Java, jar, J2me
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Sony ericsson
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All games java games, such as games Farm_Invasion_USA_2 Jar format, which supports all kinds of different brands and java mobile phone series. You can download the jar file it on this site for free java games on the page https://mobiles-gamers.blogspot.com/2010/12/farminvasionusa2.html The name of the game is Farm_Invasion_USA_2.jar Suitable for you, who want to collect mobile phone java games jar
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